May 17, 2023
During the recent Doctoral Council meeting in May 10, the leadership of the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program assessed the outcomes of the oral defense sessions of nine candidates who are anticipated to graduate in June of this year.
The oral defenses took place from April 17th to April 19th, with three candidates presenting their work each day.
The candidates who participated in the defenses represented a range of ministerial backgrounds, including Mission, Education, Prayer, and Business. Moreover, the subjects of their final papers were diverse, covering topics such as Christian sports fellowship, a Christian teacher’s guide inspired by Charlotte Mason’s philosophy, a Bible study series designed for high school students, and a prayer training manual.
Dr. Tom Cowley, the director of the D.Min. program, expressed satisfaction with this year’s Oral Defenses, which encompassed various projects and contributed to the global service of Olivet’s ministry for Christ.
Following the feedback provided by the doctoral committee, these DMin candidates will incorporate the suggestions into their final papers. It is expected that they will complete the necessary revisions and be prepared for graduation in June.
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